Holy Saviour RCPS, Holland Place, Off Reedyford Rd, Nelson, Lancs, BB9 8HD (01282 612319)
School is open. Walk up Holland Place. School car park closed. All enter through the main entrance. Tuesday 7th January 2025
Headteacher's Welcome
Thank you for visiting our website which gives a snapshot of Holy Saviour RC Primary School, Nelson. We serve the Catholic community in Nelson and are supported by Father Gerard of Holy Saviour Church. We are in the Diocese of Salford.
Situated off Reedyford Road, Nelson, we are lucky to have extensive grounds featuring a "forest", a garden area with a range of fruit trees, a field with a mile a day track and a wide range of outdoor gym equipment.
Every day, we aim to achieve our full potential - all of our school community live the school motto of "Being who Jesus calls us to be."
We have a great team of staff and governors who support the children in their education, health and wellbeing and aim to give them opportunities for "living life to the full."
Should you require any more information, please contact the school office where a member of staff will be happy to help you.
Mrs Baxter
We are a NUT FREE school. Click here for advice for snacks and packed lunches.
"Pupils benefit from a totally dedicated team which provides high levels of pastoral support and academic challenge!" Ofsted December 2018
If you need support with any of the areas listed below please click www.pendle.gov.uk/communitysupporthub
Our ABC Club are rated OUTSTANDING in the Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare of the children!