Year 6
Welcome to Year 6!
Class Teachers - Miss.S.Kelly
Class Staff - Mrs.A.Grimshaw & Mrs.A.Riley (AM) Mrs Shephard (PM)
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any worries or concerns at
We follow the Purple Mash spelling scheme. This links with the Year 5 & Year 6 statutory spelling list. Throughout the Year, your child may be assigned spellings in line with the scheme and at times will bring home a personal spelling list to practise based off the statutory spellings. Please make sure that you practise these weekly as they will have a spelling test every Friday morning. There is also the opportunity to practise these online, just log into your Purple Mash account at home!
Home learning
You child will be assigned two pieces of home learning weekly. One will be a Maths based activity or task and the other a Reading comprehension. This is due to be returned on a Wednesday. If your child is struggling with their home learning, please bring it into school on Monday or Tuesday and staff members will be happy to help with any misconceptions.
Home Reading
As a school, we operate a read three times a week policy. Please ensure that your child is reading at home, daily, if possible. This is extremely important for their progression and understanding.
Rewards for Home Learning and Home Reading
We celebrate the wonderful learning completed at home, both, as a whole school and as an individual class. Please help Year 6 in their quest to be home learners of the week!
We have PE on Mondays and Fridays. Please be prepared by having the correct kit in school every week - black shorts, white t-shirt and a change of shoes suitable for physical exercise. No jewellery is to be worn for PE.