Holy Saviour

Holy Saviour

Roman Catholic Primary School

Welcome to Year 1

Class Teacher: Miss K Le-Moine

Support Staff: Mrs Hartley and Miss Greenaway



PE takes place with Mrs Green every Monday and with Miss Le-Moine every Friday. Please ensure your child has their full kit for every lesson and all ear piercings have been removed. 


Please support your child's reading by listening to them read at least 3 times a week and recording this in their reading journal. Reading is a vital part of your child's learning journey and makes the wider curriculum more accessible. Please make sure your child brings their reading book and record into school everyday.

Home Learning

Home learning is sent home with your child every Friday to be completed and returned the following Friday. Home learning is based around what we have been focusing on in Maths and supports the consolidation of this. This should be completed independently or with little support. 


Spellings will be given out on a Friday for your child to practise, they will then be tested on the following Friday. Please support your child in learning their spellings.