Holy Saviour

Holy Saviour

Roman Catholic Primary School

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Class Teacher: Mrs Young

Staff: Mrs Motyka and Miss Ellis

For any queries and support please contact the class teacher at - year3@holysaviour.lancs.sch.uk 



At Holy Saviour we use Purple Mash as our spelling scheme. This links to the Year 3 & 4 Statutory Spellings. Please make sure that your child practises these regularly as they will have a spelling test every Friday morning. 



Homework is handed out on Friday and is due back in on Wednesday. 5 Dojos are rewarded to children who hand their homework in completed.



We will have our PE lessons on Wednesdays and Fridays. Children must have their PE kits on these days.



Reading is pivotal to a child's learning and development. Children who read frequently will develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures.  

At Holy Saviour, children must read at least three times a week. Please support your child by listening to them read at home at least three times per week. This needs to be signed in their Reading Record each time they read. Every Friday, those who have read three times or more will receive 5 Dojos.

Reading books are changed on Mondays and Thursdays.