Holy Saviour

Holy Saviour

Roman Catholic Primary School

Our Mission Statement


Our school Mission Statement is a child friendly, memorable statement which reflects the work we do in Holy Saviour.  The process of developing our Mission Statement took many months and involved consultation with pupils, parents, staff and governors and is based upon the 5W's framework.  As well as our statement, we have a motto too which the children voted for.  "Being Who Jesus Calls Us To Be" is a school motto which inspires us all in our community to be the best versions of ourselves. 


This is the child-friendly version of our new Mission Statement that we use in school


We WELCOME all who come into this school in Jesus’ name.

We will place the WORD of God in our hearts, our lives and our learning.

We WORSHIP God in prayer, in action and in the way we live our lives.

We will make the WELFARE of all in our school, our community and in God’s world our priority and try to make their lives better.

We will WITNESS to Jesus in the way we live our lives, how we behave and how we treat each other.

Being who Jesus calls us to be!


Our school Mission Statement underpins everything we do at Holy Saviour

We WELCOME all who come into this school in Jesus’ name.

God has created the world and everything in it, including everybody in our school and diversity and difference is respected, celebrated and valued. Therefore everyone is welcome at Holy Saviour in God’s name, as God’s children. Jesus and his message is for all people and we can all learn from him. Rooted within the Roman Catholic tradition, we are called to share this Good News with everyone within and beyond our school family, remembering that our God is the loving Father of us all.  We are proud of our school community.

We will place the WORD of God in our hearts, our lives and our learning.

Our school is committed to placing Christ at the centre of all that we do because he is always with us as our special teacher. Through his words and deeds he teaches us how much God loves us and how we can love God. We listen carefully to the Word of God and learn from Him. His Word will inspire, comfort and guide us in our daily lives and in all aspects of our learning.  We will always treat the Word of God with the great respect it deserves.

We WORSHIP God in prayer, in action and in the way we live our lives

Everything that we do in school is a celebration of God's creation, every subject, every activity, is to the greater glory of God who gave us everything. To make sure that we remember to listen and talk to Jesus, we have special times of prayer and reflection throughout the day, the week and the year. We try and make sure we celebrate Mass regularly as it is a special way that Jesus is physically present with us. As part of the Good Shepherd Parish, we celebrate together with our parishioners in school and in church as often as we can.

We will make the WELFARE of all in our school, our community and in God’s world our priority and try to make their lives better.

Everyone is important to God and Jesus teaches us that we should especially look after those who are vulnerable or in trouble. Our school knows that Jesus calls us to live ‘life to the full’ and we will do our very best to make this a reality for everyone in our school, parish, country and world family. Anything that improves the lives of others will be embraced by us all at Holy Saviour. We aim to ‘’Love one another’ and be like Jesus, who was kind to everyone.

We will WITNESS to Jesus in the way we live our lives, how we behave and how we treat each other.

‘Being who Jesus calls us to be’ is our daily Mission in all aspects of school life. We are all builders of the Kingdom of God and all have an important part to play in creating a community of service and stewardship for ourselves and others. We will show the Gospel values of forgiveness, justice, peace and love in action and live a life that helps other people know Jesus.