Holy Saviour

Holy Saviour

Roman Catholic Primary School

School Closure - Friday 10th March 2023

 Grammar Spelling and Punctuation Learning.docxDownload
 Maths - Arithmetic test.docxDownload
 Maths - Reasoning Questions.docxDownload
 Spanish 10.3.23 worksheet 2.pdfDownload
 Spanish 10.3.23.pdfDownload
 Spanish 10.3.23.pptxDownload
 Spelling activity.pdfDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

Year 6

For any queries and support please contact the class teacher at - year6@holysaviour.lancs.sch.uk 

Class team 

AM Teacher - S.Kelly

PM Teacher - J.Evans

TAs - C.Turner & S.Berry 


 Friday 10th March 2023-School Closed due to adverse weather conditions. 

Please see above for home learning 

Maths, Timetables, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - S.Kelly 

other websites below can be used to support learning. 

Spanish and PE - J.Evans

PE - wrap up warm and get out for some fresh air and exercise at some point today and/or have a go at perfecting your favourite ‘Just Dance’ dance moves.

Your home learning for this week, please can you research a real life hero. This is following on from our English topic. This hero can be a person hero you know - family member or friend of the family or it can be a more well-known hero in our community or world. 

Please can you create a fact file based on this person and give reasons to justify opinions as to why they are a hero. 

You have your own personal spelling list that you can be completing at home. 

Thank you, 

Miss Kelly 












Purple Mash has lots of different learning including Topic and Computing







PE - School Games Online